Collingwood: (705) 446-2203

Registered Massage Therapy, Collingwood, ON

We strongly believe that registered massage therapy, used in conjunction with consistent chiropractic care in Collingwood, ON, can produce exceptional results.

RMT Collingwood

Registered massage therapy collingwoodMassage is an excellent way to improve your overall health and well-being. This is because massage can relieve chronic pain, improve joint range and flexibility, improve circulation, exercise weak or atrophied muscles, and much, much more. However, in order to realize the many benefits of massage, it is critical that you work with a Registered Massage Therapist.

Collingwood Registered Massage Therapy

At Collaborative Health Group, we are proud to offer registered massage therapy services at our wellness centre in Collingwood, Ontario. Although we are primarily known for our chiropractic services, we strongly believe that registered massage therapy, used in conjunction with consistent chiropractic care, can produce exceptional results.

In order to get the most out of our registered massage therapy services, we recommend the following:

  • Prepare yourself to be as open to the massage process as possible.
  • Avoid eating a heavy meal right before your massage session.
  • Try to arrive on time so you do not go into your session in a frenzied, rushed state.
  • Let your massage therapist know your reasons for getting a massage, and communicate to them any health problems you are struggling with.
  • Remember to breathe normally during your massage and try to relax your muscles and your mind.

Collingwood RMT

We look forward to helping you explore the many benefits of registered massage therapy at our wellness centre. Contact us at Collaborative Health Group today to find out more about our massage services or to schedule your next appointment.